Iconic Tech Dashboard App

  • Tech Stack: Django, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, MySql, Python, Javascript
  • Github URL: Project Link

This is an outline of the design process and steps needed to take to complete this project. Our client's needs will be highlighted in this document. The intent behind the document is so that the end-user and programmer will have mutual understandings and expectations of this document. The storeowners have been using outdated methods to manage the store and now intends to keep up with the rapid development of technology and implement modern methods to transform this small mom and pop shop into a franchise. Currently the branding for the store meets franchise standards but the technology behind the scenes is severely lacking for scale. Our job as developers is to transform the technology of this company to give it the firepower to compete with the ever improving market.
Project Description
h5> We will build a simple CRUD App that will be the core Database Management Software the store will rely on. The GUI will be designed to be user friendly and visually pleasing. The app will revolve around the user being able to do two main tasks: Create, Read, Update and Delete store data such as inventory, invoices, customer information and employee information. Make queries such as finding out which cashier sold the most in the month of October, or which one of products has the best profit margins. All queries will be options that are directly programmed by the developer, at first launch the amount of queries will be limited but the software will be designed so that additional queries can be added later. The project will be designed using the Layered Architecture Model consisting of the following 3 layers; Data Access Layer(DAL), Presentation Layer(PL), Schema. Challenges The store has already existing data that is stored on an Excel Spreadsheet. Unfortunately, the data isn’t able to be directly processed and there needs to be a major data cleaning operation on the data to make it useful. So the focus of this project will be to create a new system that includes a protocol for the client to follow in order to guarantee the highest quality of data will be accumulated. Of course we will have limitations and laws set in place in our software to help encourage good data entry habits. So we have made it crystal clear to the client that we will not be working on the old data. Only after the the new system is set in place and there will be no more bad data being accumulated will we begin the process of cleaning and working with the old data sets. Another challenge is that currently the client does not have all the inventory labeled with a unique ID number and price/cost. The system will take that into consideration and we will streamline the process to make it user friendly to digitize the stock information. The user will also be investing in a barcode generator and will physically label all the stock.
Create core relational database system using MySql, all the required entities and their relations with one another will be defined and tested. 10 Simple Queries will be created using SQL and further queries can be added after the official launch upon the clients request, the first stage will be making Develop the DAL written in python that will take charge of handling all interactions with the data. Build a webapp with a GUI using Django that serves as the PL Once we have a live working webapp with Django we will take the client through the project for the first revision and possibly make changes at the clients request After the first iterative process of changes has been made to the webapp, prepare the webapp for launch and go through the final revision with the client Launch the Iconic Tech App
Live WebApp and the Data is the property of the client belongs to the client and will not be used or shown to anybody without the clients permission. They will not be shown to any external parties. However the code for the project will be saved and can be reused for the developers as it is there intellectual property. The developers can post the code on their Github showcasing the project with fake data to show that the project works. But the page IconicTech.ca/App where the project will be hosted live will be private and only available for the client to see and use. Of course the data belonging to the store is confidential and will not be shared, posted or used at all outside of the Iconic Tech staff.
